you can go and get it是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:52:44 浏览次数:60
相似词语短语can you get it───你能拿到吗
you can go it───你可以去的
go get it───去拿到它
it can go───它可以走了
go and get───领取;去拿
can you get───你能得到吗
you can get───你可以得到
can you go───你能走吗
you can go───你可以走了
双语使用场景But it's great exercise, and it means you can get out and go somewhere when the storm is over.───但其实这是一种不错的锻炼,而且意味着风暴停下来后,你可以走出门去到处转转。
here is the big picture, if you can get a high quality peak performance program and go through it as it says then you will increase your performance.───我们可以设想一下。 如果你拥有一款高质量、高性能的生产效率软件,并按它的要求来做,那么你的个人能力将会有很大提升。
You should always read over documents to double check them, and if you can get a friend to read over your resume, go for it.───你需要通读简历,做多次检查,如果你能找到一个朋友帮你阅读简历,这是最好不过的了。
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