tree number是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:07:56 浏览次数:28
tree to tree───树到树
roll number───磁带卷号;辊轧号数
cattery number───家畜数
tellurium number───碲数
verification number───验证号码
duns number───邓白氏编码(DataUniversalNumberingSystem,9位数字全球编码系统)
school number───学校编号
双语使用场景broad-leaved forest by decreasing tree number and increasing storage was in accordance with the characteristics of transfer probability.───阔叶林分通过株数递减和蓄积量递增而演变,这种演变过程和转移概率的特征是一致的。
of plant populations to primary stands may described by "decrease rate of tree number"divided by 1~10 years old of the "average tree age".───初始林分的“苗木群体” ,可由“平均苗龄” 1~ 10年刻划的“苗木株数递减率”来描述。
studies we also found that the stand density and site conditions had important effects on the dead and dying tree number, but the density was more important than the site conditions.───研究发现,林分密度和立地条件对枯死木株数均有重要作用,但密度比立地条件更重要。
calling to activatephone tree number 255.───请求激活电话联络网255号。
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