treasury bond是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-07 14:20:54 浏览次数:21
treasury department───n.财政部
treasury note───n.(美国的)中期国库券,英镑纸币;(美国)中期国库券;(英国旧时的)1英镑纸币
treasury bonds───库藏债券,库存公司债,财政长期债券;库存公司债;财政长期债券;[财政]国库债券
treasury secretary───n.财政部长
treasury wine───国库酒
amide bond───酰胺结合
peptide bond───[生化]肽键
双语使用场景You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing.───当长期国库券收益上升的时候,你可以期待手上的金银块价格上涨。
yield on the 30-year Treasury bond down to just 4%.───年期美国国债的收益率已经降至区区4%。
Risk aversion has sent the 10-year Treasury bond yield below 3%.───风险规避已经使10年期长期国债收益率低于3%。
A year in which Treasury bond yields stay at 2% or below would probably be one in which America at least flirted with recession.───当国债收益率停滞在2%或者更低的时候,当年美国经济可能至少是接近衰退。
And yet, as the slide in the Dow Jones and the rise in US Treasury bond prices implied, there could be real-world consequences.───然而,正如道指应声下滑、美国国债价格上扬所显示的那样,此事具有现实影响。
The U. S. , in other words, is not likely to face the 'nuclear option' of a Chinese disruption of the U. S. Treasury bond market.───换句话说,美国不太可能面临中国扰乱美国国债市场的“核选项”。
His words are directed as much to the Treasury bond markets, of which China owns such a large share, as to American voters.───这话既是说给美国选民听的,也是说给美国国债市场的,而中国在这个市场拥有相当大的份额。
Monthly data on Treasury bond purchases seem to indicate Beijing remains a major buyer of US bonds.───美国国债买入量的月度数据似乎表明,中国仍是美国债券的一个主要买家。
Investors fled riskier assets on the news, sending stocks tumbling, pushing up the price of gold, and lowering U. S. Treasury bond yields.───该消息促使投资者远离风险资产,打压股市大跌,同时推动金价上涨,美国公债收益率(殖利率)下滑。
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