the plague of是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-07 15:53:29 浏览次数:21
camus the plague───加缪瘟疫
deadly plague───致命瘟疫
evisceration plague───剜除鼠疫
gadflies plague───牛瘟
glandular plague───[医] 腺鼠疫,腹股沟淋巴结鼠疫
enslaver plague───奴隶瘟疫
camus the plague free───加缪无瘟疫
plague definition───鼠疫定义
双语使用场景Another young worker at the diner cackled with laughter when I asked her about the plague of illness which suddenly seems to be affecting so many on Grand Isle.───盛传因为此次原油泄漏很多人似乎突然都得了病,我问一个在餐馆工作的年轻女孩怎么看,她咯咯地笑了起来。
The plague of locusts has been described as the worst in more than a decade.───的蝗灾被认为是过去的十多年中最为严重的一次。
of the injured star was evident in the 2015 Finals, when James shot 38 percent sans Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love.───总决赛最集中地表现出了伤病对球星的影响,由于欧文和乐福缺阵,詹姆斯的命中率掉到了38%。
The plague of locusts is usually led by the gregarious locusts.───蝗灾通常由群居型蝗虫所引发。
This experience gave me a new perspective on the plague of gnats that God visited upon Egypt when Phar-ooh would not free the Israelites.───这次体会使我对上帝为了让埃及法老释放以色列人而降的虱灾,有了一种新的看法。
They used to do modern Y. pestis genome sequence samples, the plague of the 14th century to complete gene sequencing.───他们利用现代鼠疫杆菌基因序列做样本,得以完成14世纪瘟疫的基因排列。
" Expecting to see " the D-Day invasion " as the answer, I found instead on one paper, " Moses and the plague of frogs.───我期望看到学生填写的答案是“诺曼底登陆战”,但结果我在一张测验卷上看到的是“摩西和青蛙瘟疫”。
Once in the air, he started shooting at the plague of German airplanes.───飞到了空中,他开始朝着密布的德国飞机射击。
But it is the boom times that play host to the plague of malinvestments, overconsumption, and misdirected production.───但是,正是在繁荣时期导致了错误投资、过度消费和生产错误配置的蔓延。
英语使用场景Surprisingly, the widespread mortality of the plague of 1349 did not completely upset the balance of power between lord and peasant.
Alice Foley, growing up in Bolton during the 1890s, remembered the plague of houseflies emanating from the privies in summer.
At the age of twenty, he took charge of a hospital in Siena during the plague of 1400.
Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom, when the wren goes to' t, and the small gilded fly does lecher in my sight?
Most scientists believe is caused by a viral hemorrhagic fever, plague this epidemiological pattern caused by the plague of today are obviously different.
Drugs have become the plague of the modern world.
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