作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 09:14:42 浏览次数:49
相似词语短语vla song───弗拉·宋
双语使用场景new variable-length array (VLA) feature is partially available.───新的变长数组(variable - length array, VLA)已经部分可用。
The above pictured VLA, inaugurated in 1980 is situated in New Mexico, USA.───上图中的甚大阵于1980年在美国新墨西哥州建造。
is also true for VLA aircraft.───同样,对于VLA类飞机也是如此。
Since a VLA must be an automatic variable of a block, a VLA cannot be declared at file scope.───因为VLA必须是块中的一个自动变量,VLA不能在文件作用域中声明。
The vertically loaded anchor(VLA) is a new-type drag anchor used for deepwater foundations.───法向承力锚是一种新型的拖曳嵌入式系泊基础。
VLA cannot be a member of a struct or union.───VLA不能是结构或者联合的成员。
When a VLA goes out of scope or its lifetime ends, the VLA is deallocated.───当一个VLA超出作用范围或是它的生存期结束了,该VLA就被释放了。
VLAs must be auto (as opposed to static or extern) variables in a block.───VLA必须是块中的自动(相对于静态或外部)变量。
The new variable-length array (VLA) feature is partially available.───新的变长数组(variable-lengtharray,VLA)已经部分可用。
英语使用场景The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
VLA is undergoing a total upgrade, starting with the key element in radio telescope arrays -- the computer correlator that blends all the radio data from all the dishes.
In this study, The mRNA expression of VLA - 4 in bone marrow mononuclear cells was measuerd by RT - PCR.
VLA cannot have static or extern storage class.
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