when it comes to learning是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 09:39:31 浏览次数:26
相似词语短语when it comes to───当提到;就……而论;当提到…
when it comes───当它来的时候
comes to───谈到;达到;共计
to comes───未来地;将到来的
when it───当它
learning to───得知;学会
when to───什么时候去
as it comes───都可以(非正式,用于对方询问自己喝什么时)
here it comes───它来了
双语使用场景to learning the right lessons, paradoxically, nothing fails like prior success.───奇怪的是,说到学习正确的教训,没有比先前的成功消失的更快的了。
I can't resist the fun US and world puzzles when it comes to learning.───美国和世界地图拼图在学习过程中带给我们的乐趣让我无法忘怀。
NK: Is it true that some people are more gifted than others when it comes to learning languages?───NK:一些人比另一些人更有学习语言的天赋是真的吗?
I've been a bit behind the curve when it comes to learning the technologies since I've focused on other aspects of software engineering.───由于我已经专注于软件工程的其他方面,所以当提到学习技术时,我已经处于曲线之后。
I teach based on the level of the learner and understand how much grasp they have when it comes to learning.───我会依据每位学生的程度来进行教学,并依照他们了解的多寡来调整进度。
When it comes to learning English, my heart is always full of frustrations.───谈到学英文,我的心中总是充满挫折感。
Your mirror can be your best friend when it comes to learning and practicing magic tricks.───当你开始学习和练习魔法时镜子是你最好的朋友。
"No pain, no gain" is a motto I sincerely believe when it comes to learning English.───“一分耕耘,一分收获”是我对英语学习的名言。
When it comes to learning, one size does not fit all.───说到学习,不是所有情况都适用同一模式。
英语使用场景For me, when it comes to learning a new language, I can read a textbook from cover to cover, but a week later I've forgotten it all.
For both children modern gadgets like these make a huge difference when it comes to learning about the world around them.
Children have several advantages over adults when it comes to learning another language.
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