the place of work是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 11:23:57 浏览次数:35
相似词语短语work place───工作场所;车间,工厂;[经] 工作场所,车间,工厂
the work of───工作;……的作品
of place───地点
place of───地点
take the place of───代替; 抵换
of work───工作量
place of art───艺术场所
take place of───代替
on the place───在这个地方
双语使用场景No eating, drinking, smoking, or snuff-taking at the place of work.───不要在工作场所进食、饮水、吸烟或吸鼻烟。
We have always thought that the office is the place of work, but work is work, but I do not know the office feng shui can bring us happiness, but also can bring money to the enterprise.───我们一直认为写字楼就是工作的地方,除了工作就是工作,却不知写字楼风水是可以给我们带来快乐,同时也可以给企业带来财运。 。
However, do remember that proximity to the place of work also counts.───但是,请记住离工作单位远近这点也很重要。
For a person who has more than one job during the reference period, the place of work refers to that of his main employment.───如受访者在该七天内有超过一份工作,则工作地点是指其主要职业的工作地方;
Announcement, said: "Illegal immigrants in a place not far from the place of work overnight. "───公告中说:“非法移民在距离工作地点不远的地方过夜。”
take the place of work of someone on strike.───在罢工中取代某人的工作位置。
on the job training Employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual job.───在职培训员工在实际工作当中在工作场所进行的培训。
Organization code of the place of work or study───在华工作或学习单位组织机构代码
英语使用场景No eating, drinking, smoking, or snuff-taking at the place of work.
These opportunities are much less apparent at the place of work.
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