the place of summer是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 12:23:59 浏览次数:38
相似词语短语the summer of───的夏天
summer of───年夏天
the summer───夏天
of place───地点
place of───地点
take the place of───代替; 抵换
the dog days of summer───三伏天
spend the summer───度过夏天
the last summer───去年夏天
双语使用场景The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations.───这个小镇的历史氛围使其成为在暑假沉浸自己的一个好去处。
of the tournament, which has taken place every summer for almost 650 years, is declared baspehlivan, or "head wrestler.───的比试在每个夏天举行,差不多有650年历史,胜出者会被称为大力士或者“头号摔跤手”。
So, we invite you to the exciting world of summer photography - the place where the combination of human skills, technical advancements, and summer nature produce real art masterpieces.───好吧,我们邀您造访夏季摄影激动人心的世界——在这儿,汇聚了人的技艺、先进技术与夏日风情,创造出真正的艺术杰作。
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