the place of art是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 12:26:26 浏览次数:36
相似词语短语place of art───艺术场所
the art of───艺术
of place───地点
place of───地点
take the place of───代替; 抵换
art the───艺术
the art───艺术
the art of book───书的艺术
in the art of───在……的艺术中
双语使用场景That upward trend is still continuing, and many of the new buyers take a particular interest in the art of their own place and time.───那个上升的趋势还在继续,一些新的买家们对于他们自己地区和时代的艺术作品具有独特的兴趣。
Rome is the birth place of science, culture and of course, art in Europe.───罗马是欧洲科学、文化,当然还有艺术的发源地。
Remember I said that photography and art photography had largely taken the place of portraiture, to the extent that some critics had declared the genre of portraiture to be dead.───记得我说过摄影和艺术摄影在很大程度上取代了肖像画,以至于一些评论家宣称肖像画这一流派已经死亡。
As I hold these propositions to be true, it is natural that I should use them to establish the place of art in the system of mind.───由于我把这些命题视为真实的,那么我利用这些命题以确立艺术在心灵系统中的位置,就是自然的了。
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